Mark Kurzynske, P.E.

Principal, Mechanical Engineer

I feel fortunate to be in the engineering field.  Having been raised around the evening dinner table and hearing stories from my father about the good, bad and occasional pitfalls of the engineering design business has proven invaluable. The everyday experiences with co-workers and clients make for a rich life. It has been thirty plus years working at Kurzynske & Associates which is in its seventh decade since the founding.  I have benefitted or been associated with this business in some form or fashion since an early age. As stated earlier, I’ve been very fortunate.

I graduated from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville with a degree in Business Marketing. I then worked five years in hospital management at a 302-bed hospital as marketing assistant to the President, and later as Director of Material Management/Purchasing. It slowly occurred to me that I had the entrepreneurial spirit and an engineering opportunity was available. I spent the next two and one-half years at Vanderbilt University earning a degree in Mechanical Engineering while working part-time at Kurzynske & Associates. After graduation, I joined the firm full-time.

My time now is spent overseeing design production with the occasional project design of my own. Office development is more important than ever in the dynamic design environment and I look for opportunities where I think we as a whole can benefit. I take great satisfaction in working with some truly innovative, if not brilliant, minds on a daily basis. More than that, I am proud to be associated with these great people who give generously of their time in leadership roles at their churches, in their communities, coaching in Little League, mentoring Eagle Scouts and hearing results of their charity work.  The quality of the lives they are leading can’t help but influence and better the time they spend in their careers. Proud indeed!